Our social partners

For all the outings booked at Expeditie Noordzee a percentage of the proceeds we donate to:

diversiteit aan het werk

Giving Back Foundation: its main task is to provide support and guidance to underprivileged students from various cultural backgrounds in the Netherlands to promote their personal development and academic success. They achieve this through mentoring, coaching, training, and networking opportunities. The focus is on enhancing their chances in the job market and strengthening their social engagement.

Read more about it here: Stichting Giving Back

stichting breed geluk
Breed Geluk Foundation is an organization dedicated to enhancing the well-being of vulnerable groups in our society. They achieve this by encouraging social interaction and self-confidence, as well as fostering personal growth through creative, cultural, and social projects. The mission of Breed Geluk Foundation is to contribute to a better world with equal opportunities for everyone.

Read more about it here: Stichting Breed Geluk